Friday, January 19, 2007

This past week was such an answer to prayer. Thank all of you for interceding with us for God's guidance as we planned the Spring Semester of ministry. It was great to reflect over all the ways God has gone before us:
* allowing us to meet 2 Priests to partner with as well as other Churches & ministries
* developing a relationship with Jovita the KTU activities coordinator - this opens many doors for 'on campus' activities
* meeting many Christian students who are excited to help us reach non-Christians
* experiencing more of God's heart for the lost here in Kaunas, plus many more.
There is always such a tension between allowing God to lead and knowing when we need to get busy. Learning what it means to listen to Him is also something we are seeking. He did guide us in great discussions and we have decided on a mix of weekly activities, developing our personal initiative ministries and a couple specific outreaches. Much of our focus will be on sharing the gospel of Christ in both word & deed.
To jump into the deeds... we decided to take a little time and do a garbage pick up in the park - it was great to serve in a practical way.
Here are some of the shots from that time - thanks again for your prayers this week~

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The idea for this blog was to share how we are gearing up for next semester. I started to brainstorm all the things I could put in the blog to paint a picture for you so you could feel like you were here with us, planning and preparing. However, my recurring thought was the power of prayer. The biggest part of what we can do to get ready for this coming semester is to bow before the Throne of God. So I ask, would you join me as we seek God's guidance in our planning meetings, the release of strong holds in Kaunas, and for a revival that not only would change Kaunas or Lithuania, but Europe?
“Prince of Peace, I thank you that You did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but You made yourself nothing taking on the very nature of a servant. You humbled yourself to human likeness and became obedient to death on a cross. I thank you that you not only died for me, but you lived for me. You lived a life I could never live. And because of this I have a privilege and responsibility to share, to intercede, and to love. As Paul, I do not come with eloquence or superior wisdom, but only with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I come with weakness, fear, and trembling, but this is so Your glory may be known.
I pray in the Name of Jesus and His precious blood that the strong holds in Kaunas would be relinquished. That Satan's grasp on this city and the people in it would be severed. I commit this city into Your hands that You may dwell here. I pray that Your Name would be known through out Kaunas. That the people living here would see their need for a Savior, that they would see their need for You.
May You soften the hearts of Lithuanians and bring them to Yourself. Move through Kaunas like a wild fire, turning hearts to You with a desire to reach the lost. I ask that You would start a revival among students at KTU and VDU. That theses students would reach Kaunas and Kaunas would reach Lithuania then Lithuania, Eastern Europe!
God, I lift this next week up to You, as we plan and prepare for next semester. I ask that we would come with expectant hearts and enthusiasm to see you guide and direct us. Give us ideas on how to reach students, how to get involved in their lives, how to love them in a tangible way. I pray for good communication among the team as we present ideas and brainstorm. Grant us endurance to persevere when the going gets tough and we get exhausted and indifferent. Ultimately, we want You to lead this time and that it would bring glory to You.
In His Name,