Monday, February 19, 2007

Our team had many highlights this past week (see below for more details) but we almost missed out on one very important time with students. Thursday was the day for our team's second Dinner & Discussion. As Matt and I made preparations Thursday afternoon we began to wonder if we should call it off. Everything that could go wrong in our preparations did go wrong. No one on our team had heard back from any of our student friends so we weren't sure if anyone was even going to show up. It had already been a long work day, Matt was getting sick, he had to walk to three different stores to get the ingredients he needed for dinner. . .you get the picture. So, I began to wonder if it would be better if we just called it off - I called each of the team members to see if they had heard back from any of their students - still nothing. I called Matt to see what he thought. I quickly figured out that his frustration level was pretty high (and it takes a lot to get him to that point). And then he said this, "Everything inside me wants to call tonight off - I feel crummy and everything is going wrong. . . but that makes me wonder if that means that something very special is going to happen tonight." As soon as he said that, I knew he was right. . .I married a very wise man! And something special did happen. Three students came. Two of them we knew, the third was a friend of theirs. This friend is not a believer but very open to developing relationships with us - and is looking forward to coming back to our dinners in the future! We are all really looking forward to getting to know her better and and are excited about what God has planned for this outreach. And to think - we almost missed out on this opportunity. Matt was right - there was too much going wrong for us to call it off - the Lord did have something special in store for us. Here are a few of the highlights from the rest of our week: Monday we spent the day with the Lord. Tuesday, after staff meeting Peter and Jen planned a very special Valentine's Eve team dinner. Wednesday we had a wonderful time prayer-walking in the downtown area. Friday was independence day so all Lithuania got the day off (always fun to have a little break). Today we enjoyed a home made dinner at Renatta's parents house. (Renatta is Agape's Lithuanian Director.) After dinner we even took a walk across the lake near their house - yes, over the frozen lake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing! Praise God for his faithfulness! I'll continue to be praying for you, especially since it sounds like somebody doesn't want you to be there! I pray that God will continue to show you where he wants you to be. Love, hugs, and prayers to all...