Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Simple Life

How would I describe the life of a missionary in a few words? Adventurous - yes, living in a foreign country is always an adventure. . . unpredictable - yes, a missionary must always be ready to expect the unexpected. . . and ordinary! Truly, the life of a missionary is much more ordinary than many would imagine. We spend a good portion of our week doing "normal" things like shopping, cooking, and laundry. You have heard about many of the highlights of our ministry in previous posts, so I (Sharon) would like to take this opportunity to give you a glimpse into some of the "ordinary" in our lives.

Picture #1 - We walk a lot.

Picture #2 - We have diner at our friend's parent's house.

Picture #3 - This is Jolanta with her mom and dad. Jolanta is the campus director for Vilniius.

Picture #4 - Here we are walking again. (Note the popularity of man purses among the men on our team)

Picture #5 - Ok, so some things are not as ordinary. Matt and I have taken a Tango class to try to get to know some students at VDU. Unfortunately, our class has dwindled over the past few weeks. We are still asking ourselves, "Why did we choose to start by trying to learn one of the hardest dances?!"

Picture #6 - We watch sunsets

Picture #7 - Sometimes we take a bus or minibus instead of walking

Picture #8 - We spend time in the dorms

Picture #9 - And I'll end here with one last photo of us walking. We walk to each other's flats. We walk to church. We walk to the store. Even when we go to the dorms we have to walk a good distance to and from the bus stop. But that's ok. We've learned to enjoy walking. Some of our best conversations have taken place while we are walking.

It is hard to give you a clear picture of what life is like here - I hope you've enjoyed this small glimpse into some of our everyday life.

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