Friday, March 30, 2007

Surveys..... A Good Time Had By All?

This is RamunÄ—. A girl I did a survey with for two hours.
She is coming to church with me this weekend!

The first couple months we were here, students were not responsive to surveys or if they were, they never responded to our followup. This was quite discouraging and made us reconsider the idea of surveys; maybe they weren't the way to reach or connect with Kaunas university students.
However after Spain, Peter's heart was burdened with the idea of surveys. He really wanted us to try them again and be on campus every week for a couple hours just doing surveys. So at the start of the new semester we started going every Wednesday to the university dorms to do surveys with the students. Right away God opened up many doors for us to do this with both of the universities, granting us favor in the eyes of the school's pastoral care department.
This two hour chunk of time, every week has been and is usually dreaded by, pretty much, everyone on the team. But God always through this time, provides at least one good conversation with a student if not more. There are some weeks that we leave discouraged, but I can't overlook the fact that God has led us to these dorms and allowed us to do surveys and all the students we have met through them. For example, the Lithuanians that are coming to our Dinner & Discussion night were students that were met through a survey!
Also through surveys, I have met three sweet girls who I have been pursing and hanging out with. One of the girls is even go to church with me this weekend!
I am excited to see God continue to work through these times. All we can do is rely on Him for courage, boldness, and strength to share the Gospel!