Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This weeks blog is going to be about our upcoming Easter outreach. Traditionally within Lithuania their are a couple of times a year when students are much more open in-regards to spiritual conversations. Easter being on of those times we are planning a special night around the theme of “How Easter saved my life”.

Using an idea from a church in the U.S. we are going to break our evening into two parts. The first part will be people sharing their testimonies including our very own Jason. We are then going to share the biblical story of easter, show a 5 min video using scenes from Passion of Christ, and have a time of contemplative thought. After we finish the testimonies we will enter a period of celebration by having a delicious meal.

It is our prayer that God would really speak to the students during this night and then on through their Easter holiday. We would really appreciate your prayers. The event will be on Tuesday April 3rd the day before the students return to their home towns to celebrate.


1 comment:

Marc Peter said...

Elise and I will be praying for this event.

God bless,